Announcement Title | Change in Issuer Name |
Date & Time of Broadcast | Jan 24, 2024 19:28 |
Status | New |
Announcement Reference | SG240124CHAN1RQF |
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) | Kelvin Chua |
Designation | Company Secretary, OUE Commercial REIT Management Pte. Ltd. (as Manager of OUE Commercial REIT) |
Event Narrative | |
Narrative Type | Narrative Text |
New Name of Company | The name of the real estate investment trust will be changed from "OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust" to "OUE Real Estate Investment Trust" with effect from 29 January 2024. The name of the manager will be changed from "OUE Commercial REIT Management Pte. Ltd." to "OUE REIT Management Pte. Ltd." on 29 January 2024. |
Additional Text | Accordingly, the new security name "OUE REIT" and the new trading name "OUEREIT" will be reflected on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited with effect from 29 January 2024. The counter code TS0U will remain unchanged. |
Additional Text | Please refer to the attached documents: 1. Announcement on "Change of Name of OUE Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust and the Manager"; and 2. Press Release on "OUE Commercial REIT rebrands to OUE REIT". |
Event Dates | |
Effective Date of the Event | 29/01/2024 |